Types of Caviar – Alternative

Siberian Baerii

Osietra Baerii, with its full sized grain ranging in colour from dark grey to Golden Brown, a wonderfully subtle caviar with an interesting and pleasant flavour. This is sure to surprise the palate of even the most discerning connoisseurs. Dependant on harvest quality we offer either the French or Italian Baerii.

The Sturgeon are fed from an Organic feed, free from Genetically modified ingredients or Growth promoters, in fact this is recognised by experts to be one of the best ethically sourced aquaculture caviars available today.

Imperial Oscietra

Imperial Oscietra sturgeon producing a Caviar that is recognised by top chefs as the finest in the world now. The Sturgeon weighs around 20 kilos and has 5 kilos of Caviar which can be dark grey brown to light golden with a firm texture having a creamy flavour on the plate with a fine hazelnut after taste.

Imperial Gold

Imperial Oscietra Gold, formerly reserved for the palace of the Shah of Persia, weighs around 25 kilos, it nurtures larger firmer eggs with a renowned deep golden roe and creamy sumptuous taste. Some experts believe this is caviar from a mature Caraburun Oscietra Sturgeon. This Caviar has one of the most interesting flavours and my personal favourite.


Sevruga, Can only be from the Stellatus Sturgeon being the smallest of the Sturgeon species in turn produces the smallest eggs we offer a Caviar from the coming together of the Stellatus Sturgeon and the Sterlet, which are dark grey to light. Sevruga Caviar offers a full and delicate flavour appreciated by many. This Sturgeon lives in a semi wild environment of natural lakes.

Royal Beluga

Royal Beluga – Huso Huso being the largest member of the family and can weigh over a ton, however typically between 100 to 250 kilograms and having 30 kilos of truly exceptional Beluga Caviar that are light to dark steely grey, a product of its own rarity and exquisite flavour, the age may be about 20 years old. Healthy numbers of Beluga Sturgeon live in a semi wild environment of natural lakes. This Caviar is from a pure breed Huso Huso Beluga Sturgeon masterfully created by our World renowned Caviar master.

Reserve Beluga – 000 Standard

Reserve Beluga is a term given by the fisheries to a particularly rare Beluga Caviar with large steely grey roe, this is the ultimate luxury in gourmet food. Classified by the fisheries as ‘000’, that it is the best on all three counts, which are roe size, colour, and texture. With a very fine and creamy smooth taste. Recognised by connoisseurs to be the best Beluga on the market today. This Caviar is from a pure breed Huso Huso Beluga Sturgeon masterfully created by our World renowned Caviar master.

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